Quantifying Atlanta Bike-friendly Infrastructure

When I was doing my master’s degree at Georgia Tech, I was most interested in the biking infrastructure of the City of Atlanta. Coming from a Chinese city, where there are bikers and bike lanes everywhere, I feel strong about promoting biking and other non-motorized transportation in Atlanta. As a first step of promoting biking, the evaluation of existing bike infrastructure studies were conducted as my group assignments for Intro to GIS course, and my individual applied research paper upon graduation.

Bike Friendly Neighborhoods in Atlanta

This group project for Intro to GIS course identified top three bike-friendly neighborhoods within the city limits according to our study method: Georgia Tech, Sweet Auburn, and Inman Park. My group buddies were Chris Chang and Grace Graszer. Our poster is shown above.

Analysis Workflow

Bike Infrastructure Evaluation of Midtown Atlanta

This is my individual applied research paper where I took an in-depth look of quantifying bike infrastructure. Here, I used statistical and GIS methods that dealt with 10 variables. The study unit was the street segments. Principal component analysis and other combination methods were explored to create a better model. The final product includes a Midtown bike infrastructure map and a Midtown street bike-friendly infrastructure map (shown below).

Full report can be downloaded from Georgia Tech at https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/61332 .