My 2019 in Numbers... and Map!
…In 2019, I went to 15 cities: 10 in the U.S. and 5 in China. I took 22 flights and 7 train rides…

(Above: Trace of cities gif made with RStudio Animation package.)
Year 2019 is over. This is definitely a very important year for me as I am very thankful of what happened, what I did, and people who supported me.
Alright, summary(year2019)!(not chronologically)
In 2019 August, I deployed my personal website. Since then, I posted 22 articles. Nine of them are archived grad school works.
In 2019, I read 26 books. Among them, my favorite book of the year is a short novel collection by Somerset Maugham.
In 2019, I watched 100 movies/series. Among them, my favorite movie is The Great Beauty.

In 2019 May, I started to post videos on Bilibili. Since then I posted 21 videos.
In 2019 May, I graduated from Georgia Tech and earned a Master of City and Regional Planning degree with GIS Certificate.
In 2019 July, I started my first full-time job at APD Urban Planning.
In 2019 April, I passed the Belt Test and earned my first Hapkido Certificate. (9th Kup)
In 2019 April, I presented a poster on analyzing bike activities at the National Planning Conference in San Francisco.
In 2019 March, I presented at the Emerging Voice on Transportation Issues Session at Georgia Planning Association Spring Conference.
In 2019 December, I performed a flute piece:
In the meanwhile, I had several mental breakdowns; I got sick several times; I questioned life and world several times; I failed various goals. I might not get what I want. I might experience similar or even worse down time again and again in 2020.
Whether I am ready or not, 2020 is already here. So, here we go! Hope everything is well in the new year, and hope I can achieve similar good stats like the good old 2019!